Improving your memory is deceptively simple. Don’t forget the “One Minute Rule.” Anything given less than one minute of thought will fade from your memory. We have known this for years but as we get busy we ignore the truth that we knew when we were in school. We took notes at lectures and from reading and we reviewed them often. Notes allow us to think longer (the One Minute Rule) about the point we feel is important and they focus our attention. Additionally, taking notes allows us to review the important facts which again give more time to learn and later remember what’s important.

In a world filled with massive and multiple sources of information we often ignore the fact that we learn most things well by spending time with the skill or information we want to remember. Human memory is not like computer memory, it does not work as the save command. For most of us, it takes time and effort to learn, understand, and recall. Human memory systems evolved long before computers and still need repetition, routine, and effort. The more minutes you spend focusing, the better you will remember. Malcolm Gladwell, author of Outliers, points out that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert. This is true for all learning and memory skills such as driving, skiing, bridge, chess, painting, sculpting, writing, speaking, or growing orchids.

The One Minute Rule also applies to situations that we encounter every day at home and at work. How many times have you looked for your car in the parking lot? Don’t forget the One Minute Rule. You run from your car to a meeting and want to be on time. You are reviewing who will be at the meeting and what the agenda is. What you don’t do is to stand by your car for a minute and spend the time thinking only of where it is located.

Consider the pervasive frustration with learning new names. Learning new names is a very complex memory skill. Some are very good at this and others have to work at it. But if you want to be better at remembering new names, you must spend the time up front. Repeat the name as you are talking to the person. If you are good at imaging, think of a visual association such as trying to remember my name by imaging a duck to represent Bill. When you sit at a table with new acquaintances, make a seating chart on your napkin of the names as they introduce themselves and use their names frequently.

Make notes. The act of making a note makes you think longer about the information. Put a notepad and pen next to every phone and repeat back what you write to the person providing the message. Make a Post-It note to remember to take Kleenex to work and place the note on the door going to the garage.

Most memories do not form instantly. Remembering requires time to find, review, understand, and finally to recall. The time we put in pays massive dividends later. Trying to remember doesn’t work. Make a plan for how you will remember. Don’t forget the One Minute Rule.