Archive for October, 2014

Here are some of my favorite myths regarding the brain and how memory works. – Listening to Mozart or classical music improves intelligence.  This belief is based on  the “Mozart Effect” from a 1993 study suggesting that listening to Mozart may improve intelligence.  However, subsequent research demonstrated that the effect was restricted to spatial intelligence and is temporary.  The effect is not restricted to classical music and is probably has to do with improved mood and enjoyment. – The right brain is creative whereas the left brain is logical.  This long-standing belief stems from the fact that the brain has two hemispheres that have different functions.  The right  brain controls left sided motor/sensory function whereas the left brain controls right side motor/sensory function.  Furthermore, there is a long standing debate about localized versus distributed brain functions based on injuries (e.g., […]


The cholinesterase inhibitors like Aricept (i.e., donepezil) have been available for treatment of dementias such as Alzheimer’s disease since the mid 1990s. It is clear that long term use of these medications slows the progression of Alzheimer’s disease (in those who tolerate them) and that discontinuing the medication after extended use produces a more rapid decline even in those so impaired that they are in skilled nursing facilities. Despite these findings, the cholinesterase inhibitors are often maligned, not used, or discontinued too soon because they do not produce dramatic effects and do not stop or reverse decline. One way to determine the efficacy of these medications is to determine if treatment reduces the burden that caregivers express (“Effects on caregiver burden of donepezil hydrochloride dosage increase to 10 mg in patients with Alzheimer’s disease,” Nakamura et al. Patient Preference and […]


We often get so focused on Alzheimer’s disease that we neglect other causes of memory loss and cognitive dysfunction.  Stroke is the second most likely cause of cognitive dysfunction after Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly.  Furthermore, there is a complex interaction between cerebrovascular health and Alzheimer’s disease.  Post-stroke cognitive impairment may affect several domains of cognitive abilities such as attention (tracking the moment), memory (recalling new information and/or details of personal history), language (expressive and/or receptive speech), orientation (for time, place, and/or person), and executive functions (planning. judgment, reasoning, and/or social graces).  The effects of stroke may be temporary (e.g., TIA) or persisting depending on the size of the lesion and timing of treatment.  The effects may be severe (e.g., cause dementia) or mild (e.g., cause mild cognitive impairment) and may affect single skills or multiple skills. There are three […]

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