Many are more fearful of a diagnosis Alzheimer’s than a diagnosis of cancer. However, cancer is much more fatal (cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States; Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth). This fear stems from a misunderstanding of Alzheimer’s disease and leads many to fear memory assessment.

Alzheimer’s disease unfolds over the course of decades; it does not occur suddenly. There are seven stages of decline in Alzheimer’s disease but current diagnostic standards often don’t identify those with problems until stage 4. Not everyone with Alzheimer’s disease becomes demented and disabled. Not everyone who becomes demented has Alzheimer’s disease. Memory loss is the hallmark feature of Alzheimer’s disease but not everyone with memory loss will have Alzheimer’s disease or become demented. During the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss, there is so much that you can do.

The first step in gaining control of your future is to monitor your memory. Whether you prefer the concept of prevention or the concept of wellness, assessment is the key to taking proactive action. You see a dietician to learn more healthy eating patterns. You consult with a physical therapist or trainer to develop exercise routines. You consult with your physician to monitor many elements of your biology such as blood pressure, cardiovascular function, blood sugars, thyroid function, whether you are adequately taking vitamins such as B and D. You do screening tests for many cancers (breast, cervical, skin, and prostate). But you fear and avoid memory assessment as an integral part of your wellness program.

What’s involved in a memory assessment? It doesn’t hurt. You cannot pass or fail any more than you can pass your blood tests. A memory assessment is best administered by a memory expert. The main focus is assessing short-term memory (ability to learn new information) and associated skills such as language, judgment, and reasoning. Assessment evaluates abilities of different parts of your brain. Assessment should be an integral component of annual evaluations.

Be proactive with your memory. Make memory part of your wellness program. Assess and monitor your memory over time. Use external memory supports such as calendars and take away spots. Seek stimulation that uses your mind to learn and master things in which you are interested. Exercise, as it is probably the best overall thing you can do for your memory. Eat more healthy foods by adding more vegetables and fruits to your diet. Be social as those who are isolated are more at risk for memory loss.